QIMR Berghofer

Defining the Effectiveness of Antimalarial Chemotherapy: Investigation of the Lag in Parasite Clearance Following Drug Administration


Background. The emergence of drug-resistant malaria highlights the need for new agents. A desired characteristic of candidate antimalarials is rapid killing of parasites. This is typically measured by the rate of exponential clearance of parasitemia following treatment. However, this clearance rate excludes the highly variable lag phase, when the parasitemia level may increase, remain constant, or decrease. Understanding factors determining this lag phase is important for drug development.

Authors Khoury, David S.; Cromer, Deborah; Mohrle, Jorg J.; McCarthy, James S.; Davenport, Miles P.
Pages 753-761
Volume 214
Date 1/09/2016
Grant ID DP120100064
Funding Body Australian Research Council
URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=10.1093/infdis/jiw234